mercredi 2 mai 2018

Wednesday, May 2nd
We have visited a high school Eaströmska in Vasteras.

They teach a BTP, light vehicle, heavy vehicule and truck driver
 They have explain their education systeme:
(two weeks for general subjecte and two weeks mechanics).
At the high school they have a driving simulator
we has follow of course theorique in english.

 we has past a good days in the high school Eaströmska.

5 commentaires:

  1. Salut tout le monde, Je vous vois très en forme sur les photos. Je vous souhaite de belles découvertes en pays nordique ! Dès que je peux, je vous envoie les chroniques, elles passeront prochainement sur Radio B !
    a bientôt

  2. Hello Swedish, everything seems to be well for you.
    Alors profitez au maximum de cet échange enrichissant en tous points. Bonne continuation.
    M.N Béji

  3. Hello,

    You can listen the chronics on ENT. Mr Verghade must have a message. They are wonderful and funny to listen. A good work whith the class of PMVP2.
    Spend a nice day

  4. Hey les gars!!!!! Profitez à fond. Je sais de quoi je parle, c'est vraiment quelque chose comme expérience.

    Hey guys!!!! Just have lots of fun. I know what I'm talking about, this experience is really something wich will stay forever. Take care of swedish girls.

    Nourry clément

  5. Hey boys the workshop of the school is very nice because of the classroom in the workshop and a cars seem to be in a good state. There are more tools and equipments to work in a good conditions
    Enjoy your 2 weeks to come and good luck you have seen a beautiful old American cars.

    Baptiste Decogné smvp2


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